林依晨 極光之旅
林依晨 極光之旅「惡作劇之吻」前晚播出大結局,林依晨與鄭元暢有情人終成眷屬,還上演婚紗反串秀,爆笑又甜蜜,也創下15~24歲收視率破10佳績。劇中順利嫁給直樹,應是女主角湘琴一心夢想的情人節禮物,而現實生活中,林依晨不愧是才情兼備的優等生,她透露最想收到的情人節禮物是加拿大育空省雙人極光之旅,又浪漫又可增廣見聞,市價約十萬元左右。
記者褚姵君 /報導
Wow, Yukon Terroritories. Hopefully she'll get to go visit. Right now I'm trapped within a snow globe, attempting to studying for tonight's midterm to no avail. :'( Ariel, stop by Kingston/Toronto on the way. You know you want to. :D
Wow, Yukon Terroritories. Hopefully she'll get to go visit.
Right now I'm trapped within a snow globe, attempting to studying for tonight's midterm to no avail. :'(
Ariel, stop by Kingston/Toronto on the way. You know you want to. :D